Friday, March 16, 2007


Every time I log on to create a new post, I get a message that says "Redirecting" before I'm connected to this blog. It gives me a few extra seconds to think about what exactly I'm going to write. Today, I'm not so sure. Every morning I get a newsletter from, which is all about the magazine and media business. It contains the latest "news" on who's leaving this publication or station and who's starting at that publication or station, which publication or show is doing well and which is tanking. They also help keep up your skills through their online seminars or offline classes. Today, along with news that a man who killed three people in Greenwich Village in New York City yesterday used to be a Wall Street Journal reporter and editor, was an online article about blogging that caught my attention.

Did you know blogging is getting to be so popular that two are created each second? Blogging is huge! Advice in the article included trying to position blogs like the popular entertainment blogs. I took a look at some of them, and I don't think you'd all be interested in what books I'm reading now, what music I'm listening to, my commentary on last night's episode of "Lost" or the celebrities I've seen recently. (Although, a few days ago I saw comedian Jeff Foxworthy at my local grocery store buying cat food and Doritos, maybe planning to sit down with a snack and watch his new show on TV. And I saw Mets pitcher Tom Glavine at the opening day of the local youth baseball park two Saturdays ago. His two boys looked adorable in their own little Mets uniforms, as Tom bought them pizza at the concession stand after their first games of the season.)

I admit, the thought never crossed my mind to snap their pictures with my cell phone and plaster them on my blog. So maybe I'm not a true blogger? Maybe I'm just a writer. Is that so bad? I'm questioning blogging because we're all questioning blogging. Our aim was to bring up topics of discussion, mention new studies and create a community among people with arthritis. We've done that somewhat, but are we doing enough? Another tip in the article I read is that bloggers should add new posts three times a week. I'll give that a shot, but I'm still not promising candid celebrity shots or gab about TV shows (unless the FOX medical drama "House" has yet another patient with an arthritis-related condition!)

In the meantime, please let me know if you've read this. I'm curious. You don't have to post a comment, unless you want to. I just want to know how many people are reading it. I know you're out there. I know that 115 of you have read the blog and then subscribed to Arthritis Today -- that's awesome! But I want to give all of you what you want. If you have a minute, I'd love to know what you DO want out of this blog. Do you want a daily newsfeed about arthritis studies? Do you want tips on just taking care of yourself -- how to eat right, an exercise move to try, a handy new gadget that might make life easier, a way to ease stress? Let me know, because another bit of information I learned today is that this blog could become a mobblog; that is, a blog where several people have input and can add new posts. We can alter the blog, if you want, but then how will it be distinct from the Arthritis Today Web site (take a look there at

Blogs are new to everyone. Let's make this one what works best for all of you who are reading it and have fun doing it!

Take care,


At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have read anything on this blog site. I think it's great for those of us that are still coming to terms with our RA. My MTX was recently increased from 20 to 25 mg. I also have Remicade every four weeks. That extra 5 mg sure made a big difference. Best part I had no major side effects.

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see the Arthritis Foundation's current focus on "getting the word out" about the truth and severity of arthritis as a chronic (lifelong) "sentence" for so many...of ALL ages. We "boomers" are pretty demanding. What a good thing that is to further the awareness about the enormous scope of arthritis's effect on human lives, very young to very senior.

At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sought out your blog after reading about it in Arthritis Today. I have educated myself seriously about RA and immune health but am always interested in knowing what has helped others. I loved reading about your walks on the beach--two of my best "health tricks", beach and walking. I live 60 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico so don't frequently get to do it together. I have a favorite city park with a lake though. Otherwise, I walk in my neighborhood, enjoying the trees, flowers, birds, etc. before going to work. I try to be good to myself. Barbara

At 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just letting you know I read your blogs. This is the first time on this web site, I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I never really understood the pain people with arthritis go through till this happened to me. The articles and information on this site have helped me understand this disorder, right now the doctors are still trying different medications and I have yet to see an arthritic specialist, this month finally. I was diagnosed in Nov. last year. Not being aloud to work or drive. Thanks for the information and I didn't know till I read your blog that there was a magazine specifically focussing on arthritic disorders and research, so now I have something else to read. Thank You


At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had bilateral knee replacement surgery 4 weeks ago. I have started looking at blogs like yours because I want to find out more about post operation range of motion for knees. There is so much conflicting information about how much range of motion you can expect and what you have to do to keep the range of motion in your knees over the years.

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blogs for me. I'm seeing some great information. My second time at blogging. I have access to great medical information. I try to keep up and find that the Arthritis Foundation has great information. It's great to know others are out there with the same problems. Good luck to all,

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Disgruntled Ladye said...

Don't even get me started on House and the constant use of autoimmune diseases in the plot...

Welcome to the world of blogging. There's an entire community of arthritis bloggers as well as disability bloggers out there. It's a great way to reach out and learn from each other.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

This is the first time I have read this blog. I am responding because you mentioned the show "House." I have lupus. Recently, my someone from my lupus network sent over a collection of clippings showing the characters of the show making jokes about the patients having lupus. It looked like there were about 20 separate clips. I have really struggled with lupus. I hope that these jokes don't contribute to the unnessary suffering of lupus patients who are seeking assistance from medical professionals or friends and families.

I also want to say that I really enjoy Arthritis Today. I have osteoarthritis. So your publication has been very helpful to me. Keep up the good work.

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so tired of people telling people who are suffering just to keep a positive attitude and to push ahead and be happy. You are not the one who is suffering or if you are you have not reached the point that I have reached. When the pain is so bad that you sweat and have to change your clothes and dry your hair with a hair dryer twice a night you just try being positive, it sucks!

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my first time reading your blog and I am not really sure what a blog is! But I am thinking about subscribing to "Arthritis Today" after reading it! I have spinal arthritis (osteo) and am 70 years old and an avid reader. Thanks for a fascinating blog!

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am reading this blog for the first time today and find it extremely interesting. I am 65 yrs old,just retired very active woman . I was diagnosed last years with mild R.A. I am on methotraxate and anti inflamatory medication and of course I am not perfect, but coping> I am wondering if anybody knows if the status quo of "no denegeration of joints" yet, can be sustained by doing the righ thing: i.e. low fat diet,exercise, medications...?


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