Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tomorrow's a Big Day

Shhh. Hear that buzzing sound? It's people discussing what may happen tomorrow at the FDA's Arthritis Advisory Committee meeting. There, experts will be debating whether another COX-2 drug, etoricoxib (Arcoxia), will likely be recommended for approval. Arcoxia is a successor to the now-defunct Vioxx in that it's another COX-2 manufactured by Merck. Safety of patients versus the need for treatment options for patients likely will be the hot topic. I'll be watching and listening as the news unfolds, but I'm curious in what you think the outcome will be. No water-cooler bets have been placed around here, as far as I know, but go ahead and take a guess. Let me know if you think the FDA committee will recommend it be approved or sends it back to the drawing board -- why or why not? And be sure to let me know what you wish/hope will happen tomorrow and in the future.



At 7:02 PM, Blogger MES said...

Today is my first day to get the newsletter via e-mail, my first time to read a Blog, and my first time to respond to a Blog. I can see that Blog can be useful to readers and responders.

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Donna,
I have had rheumatoid and osteo arthritis for over 20 years. I took Vioxx for 4 years before it was pulled from the market. It helped me a lot. This spring I am not doing well at all . I have swollen,red joints. I am miserable. I go 170 miles to the rheumatoligist. I have an appointment with her May 7th. I have been thinking of asking her for Celebrex. I can't take the her biologics because I had a positive tb test. I think the FDA will approve the new cox 2 drug Arcoxia.


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