Friday, September 21, 2007


Welcome back to the blog! I've been on a brief hiatus since giving birth to a little girl on August 10. Katie, our fourth child and second daughter, was born into a family who was completely ready and excited for her arrival, yet so completely overwhelmed by the miracle of it all. The photo I'm sharing here is of Katie's two older brothers and sister, as well as her Nana, seeing her for the first time. (Note my teenage son with cell phone in hand -- his baby sister's photo is now the wallpaper on his phone's screen. So much for his thinking it was no big deal I was pregnant again!)

So why haven't I blogged sooner? Well, besides the adjustment to having a new baby around -- sleep deprivation, seemingly constant nursing, diaper changes and squeezing in quick showers -- I have been spending time simply staring at my baby. First or fourth, it still amazes me, and always will.

I try to take in all her petite features -- burn the image of her rosebud lips, tiny nose and big blue eyes into my brain for future reminiscing. I listen intently to the sound of her breathing and capture the smell and softness of her skin and the full range of expressions she already has. While staring, I'm just amazed that although she's so small, she's entirely complete. I instantly noticed how long and slender her fingers were, how delicate and pretty her hands and nails looked. My mom tells me my grandmother -- the one who died of RA when I was a toddler -- also had beautiful, long fingers before RA took hold. Sadly, those beautiful fingers and hands ended up so gnarled and dysfunctional. I pray that Katie never has that fate.

Next post: baby pix!

Take care,


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