It's Official: No FDA approval for Arcoxia
As suspected, the FDA declined to approve the COX-2 drug etoricoxib (Arcoxia) – Merck's follow-up to the COX-2 Vioxx, which they pulled from the market in 2004. Arcoxia data was reviewed by the FDA's Arthritis Advisory Committee several weeks ago, but the committee voted 20 to 1 against recommending its approval. Although the FDA does not have to follow the recommendations of the advisory committee, it usually does.
Although the official "nay" to approval is not surprising, it leaves the one remaining COX-2 on the market – Celebrex – as the only option in that class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Some people with arthritis found the two defunct COX-2 drugs, Vioxx and Bextra, to work better for them than Celebrex, and were looking forward to a potential new option that might provide pain relief while sparing the gastrointestinal irritation and side effects of traditional NSAIDs. Others, both patients and doctors, have been concerned about the safety of not only the COX-2s, but all NSAIDs, since more has been learned about the risks in the past three years.
Is it better to have a pain relief option that may increase your risk of a cardiovascular side effect, if being more functional will help you be active enough to reduce your cardiovascular risks through exercise? And if you could exercise more, would you? Or would you rather not take the risk of affecting your heart? Why or why not?
I'm working on an article right now about this entire issue, which includes comments from you, readers who answered Arthritis Today's latest online poll, as well as doctors on both sides of the issue. Look for the finished version in the July-August issue. In the meantime, it's not too late to voice your opinion on the subject. Leave a comment to this post and share your thoughts. If you're OK with me including your comment in the published version of the article, just say so. (Be sure to include your name, city/State, age and arthritis condition; don't worry, I'll delete all that information before I post your comment.)
Donna Siegfried